exercises for 16-18 October
0. Work with The Oblig!
1. We have now rounded off Ch3, and start Ch4 on 16 Oct. We have been through the Master Theorem, for testing in exponential families, see 3.31, and also the basics for multiple linear regression, see 3.33-3.35.
2. For Mon 16 Oct, Anders does a subset of 3.28. In this connection also do the following mini-version of Story II, suicide attempts data for placebo vs. Paroxetine. We have y_0 pois(m_0 \theta) and y_1 pois(m_1 \theta \gamma), and test \gamma=1 vs \gamma > 1.
2005 data: (y_0, y_1) = (1, 7), exposure times (73.3, 190.7), in terms of patient years. 2006 data: (y_0, y_1) = (1, 11), exposure times (333.0, 601.0).
3. Then go back to smallbabies-data, with y = birthweight in kg, x1 = mother's age, x2 = mother's weight before pregnancy, x3 = indicator for smoking. Do lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3), discuss parameter estimates, give confidence for the three regression coefficients.
4. From Ch4: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 16.