exercises for 27 Sept and 2-4 October
We've started Ch 3, after having rounded off Ch 2 with the basics of classic linear regression. Over the coming couple of occasions, we do as follows:
a. Rounding off STORY 4, with quantile things.
b. Then most of STORY 3, with overdispersed children; see in this connection Nils' FocuStat Blog Story.
c. Then from Ch 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11.
d. Then access and read into your computers "smallbabies_data" from the website. Use y = (column 11)/1000, the baby's weight in kg; x1 = column 3, the mother's age; x2 = (column 4)*0.45349, the mother's weight (in kg) before pregnancy; x3 = column 6, an indicator for smoking or not. Use summary( lm(y ~ x1) ) etc. to run regressions on x1, on x2, on x3, and give for each a 95 confidence interval for the b in a + b x. Comment on your findings.