R code for some of the exercises and statistical stories

For a portion of the exercises as well as for the Statistical Stories in the course, we need to set up code to solve problems, find estimates, compute test statistics, graph confidence distributions, maximise log-likelihood functions, create graphs and figures, etc. Some tasks are carried out via pre-programmed algorithms, perhaps in sub-packages, but you also need often enough to set up your own code, do your own programming. 

I'm using R for these purposes, but you are free to use e.g. python, or other software package, as long as you're able to carry out the required tasks. I'll upload *some* of my own code, for *some* of the exercises and stories. In each case, run it in your computer, see that it works, check that you understand what goes on, line by line, portion by portion.

I'm placing *com41a* on the site now (Aug 19), for the little idiosyncratic thing in exercise 1.2(c). More will come.

Published Aug. 19, 2024 4:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 19, 2024 4:42 PM