Lecture & Exercises for Thu October 10

1. I'm in Oxford for the first week of October, so there is no teaching for stk 4021 Thu Oct 3:

2. For Thu Oct 10, work through as much of the Exam stk 4020 2008 set as you manage. We shall discuss these, first #2, then #3(a)-(e), then #1. Also read through Sections 3.3, 3.4, as these, with MCMC, will be worked with next.

3. Free pizza Tue Oct 8: Nate Silver's Bayesian methods for predicting election results:

4. Free cake Tue Oct 15: The Sverdup Prize and distributions of confidence:

5. Jeg vil sette pris p? om den studenten som underveis i undervisningen torsdag 10/10 spurte meg om hierarkiske modeller kan sende meg en mail.

Published Oct. 1, 2013 9:00 AM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2013 11:58 AM