Exercises for Friday Aug 28
1. For certain practical reasons it is possible that we shall move the lecture time from the currently assigned 10:15 -- 13:00 to 9:15 -- 12:00 (in the same room, UE 26, Abel Building), in that case starting this revised time regime from Fri Sept 11 onwards. Please contact me in case this causes practical problems for you.
2. On Fri Aug 21 I gave a general introduction to the course and its themes, touching also on the main contents and messages of the Gelman et al. book's Ch 1 (Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd edition, 2014). Of course you need to get hold of this book, qua physical copy or e-book; check Akademika, Amazon, eBay, or other sources. Next week I will give some supplementing material regarding Ch1 but also start Ch 2.
3. A clearer curriculum list will be given a bit later, but its main parts will be drawn from the book's Chs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, along with parts from Nils's "Course Notes and Exercises" -- the course site has the 21-Aug-15 version of these, which you should print out for your convenience.
4. Exercises for Fri Aug 28: First, do Exercise 1 from the Nils collection. Supplement your efforts for 1(d) by playing a bit with "bad priors", to see how many data points are needed before the bad prior (e.g. one which takes theta to have mean 50 with standard deviation 10) is being corrected. Then, from the book, do Exercise 1, 6, 9 from Ch 1.