Exercises for Friday Sept 18
1. On Friday Sept 11 I discussed the last parts of Ch 2, with extra comments regarding both beta-binomial and normal-normal, explaining also the connection to the Kalman Filter and how to get the moon. I also went through various exercises.
2. Next week I will go through the essence of Ch 3, but where the "what we need to learn, we learn by doing" maxim is suitable -- in other words, it's not sufficient to read the chapter, one needs to apply the theory in practical situations.
3. For Friday Sept 18, do these exercises. First, extend Exercise 2.10, by computing posterior mean and standard deviation for N, and a 90% credibility interval, for the case of having observed not merely y1 = 203, but also y2 = 157 and y3 = 222. Also, redo these calculations, with your constructed prior for N. Then, do Nils Exercises 9(d), 14(a), 22, where you might concentrate of 22(f)-(g).
4. Exam dates: Part I, the "home project", will be made available Tue Dec 1, and reports need to be handed in by Mon Dec 14. Part II, four hour written exam, takes place on Wed Dec 16.
5. From Ingrid Glad (section leader for Statistics at the Dept of Mathematics): All new master students in statistics are invited to a short meeting where we present possible supervisors and possible master thesis topics Friday September 18, at 12.15, at the 8th floor (lunch area). We will serve baguettes and coffee. Welcome!