OBLIG: Tue Oct 19 to Tue Nov 2
I've said earlier that the OBLIG, the compulsory set of exercises, was planned from t0 = Wed Oct 20 to t1 = Mon Nov 1. I've now gently revised these dates, from t0' = Tue Oct 19 to t1' = Tue Nov 2. You'll find the Oblig here at the course site.
You need to submit your solutions via the Canvas system, within Tue Nov 2 at 13:55 norsk tid, by uploading pdfs.
I shall have time to skim through your solutions, in the course of the Tue Nov 2, so that I can tell you something about their quality, which points have been harder than others, etc., on Wed Nov 3. Sorting your solutions into "accepted" or "not yet accepted" will take a few days, however (and I hope to give each of you some constructive comments).
We'll also go through the exercises in class.