- Lecture 1:
- Ch. 1 - Introduction
- Ch. 2 - Overview of Supervised Learning
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Variable Types and Terminology
- 2.3 Two Simple Approaches to Prediction: Least Squares and Nearest Neighbors
- 2.4 Statistical Decision Theory
- 2.5 Local Methods in High Dimensions
- Lecture 2:
- Ch. 2 - Overview of Supervised Learning
- 2.6 Statistical Models, Supervised Learning and Function Approximation
- 2.7 Structured Regression Models
- 2.8 Classes of Restricted Estimators (only 2.8.1)
- 2.9 Model Selection and the Bias–Variance Tradeoff
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Linear Regression Models and Least Squares (including 3.2.1: Example: Prostate Cancer)
- Ch. 2 - Overview of Supervised Learning
- Lecture 3:
- code to solve exercise 2.8
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- 3.2 Linear Regression Models and Least Squares (from Gauss-Markov Theorem)
- 3.3 Subset selection (including 3.3.4 Prostate Cancer Data Example)
- Lecture 4:
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- addition to 3.3 Subset selection
- 3.4 Shrinkage methods
- Ch. 18 - High-Dimensional Problems: p>>N
- 18.4 Linear classifier with L_1 regularization (until 18.4.1, excluded)
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- Lecture 5:
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- 3.5 Methods Using Derived Input Directions
- 3.6 A Comparison of the Selection and Shrinkage Methods
- 3.8 More on the Lasso and Related Path Algorithms (excluding 3.8.2, 3.8.3 and 3.8.6)
- 3.9 Computational Considerations
- Ch. 3 - Linear Methods for Regression
- Lecture 6:
- code to reproduce Table 3.3
- Ch. 4 - Linear Methods for Classification
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Linear Regression of an Indicator Matrix
- 4.3 Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Lecture 7:
- Ch 4 - Linear Methods for Classification
- 4.3 Linear Discriminant Analysis
- 4.4 Logistic Regression
- Ch 4 - Linear Methods for Classification
- Lecture 8:
- code for the exercise
- Ch. 7 - Model Assessment and Selection
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity
- 7.3 The Bias-Variance Decomposition
- Lecture 9:
- Ch. 7 - Model Assessment and Selection
- 7.4 Optimism of the Training Error Rate
- 7.5 Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error
- 7.6 The Effective Number of Parameters
- 7.7 The Bayesian Approach and BIC
- 7.10 Cross-Validation (including 7.10.2)
- Ch. 7 - Model Assessment and Selection
- Lecture 10:
- Ch. 7 - Model Assessment and Selection
- 7.11 Bootstrap Methods
- Ch. 9 - Additive Models, Trees, and Related Methods
- 9.1 Generalized Additive Models
- Ch. 5 - Basis Expansions and Regularization
- 5.2 Piecewise Polynomials and Splines
- Ch. 6 - Kernal Smoothing Methods
- 6.1 One-Dimensional Kernel Smoothers
- Ch. 7 - Model Assessment and Selection
- Lecture 11:
- code to solve exercise 7.9
- Ch. 8 - Model Inference and Averaging
- 8.2.2 Maximum Likelihood Inference
- Ch. 10 - Boosting and Additive Tree
- 10.1 Boosting Methods
- 10.2 Boosting Fits an Additive Model
- 10.3 Forward Stagewise Additive Modeling
- 10.4 Exponential Loss and AdaBoost
- 10.5 Why Exponential Loss
- Lecture 12: (NB: the topics below will be treated by considering L2Boost instead of trees)
- code to solve exercise 10.4
- Ch. 10 - Boosting and Additive Tree
- Using boosting in R
- 10.14 Illustration
- 10.13 Intrerpretation
- 10.12 Regularization
- 10.11 Right-Sized Trees for Boosting
- 10.10 Numerical Optimization via Gradient Boosting
- Lecture 13:
- statistical learning: L2Boost and likelihood-based boosting
- Ch. 16 - Boosting and Regularization Paths
- 16.2 Boosting and Regularization Paths
- Ch. 18 - High-Dimensional Problems: p>>N
- 18.1 When p is Much Bigger than N
- overview on course topics
- Lecture 14:
- correction of the project part
- exercises with previous exams