We will use the the programming language R for the practical computing in the lectures as well as the exercises in STK4080.
Below are given information on how to download additional R package(s), information on (some of) the data sets used for illustration in the lectures and the exercises, and some R code for the examples and illustrations.
R packages
Data sets
Leukemia data (Exercise 3.1): Description Data
Melanoma data: Description Data
Cirrhosis data: Description Data
Suicide data: Description Data Detailed description from Andersen et al. (1993)
R code used in the lectures:
Week 39:
Week 40:
Week 41:
Week 43:
Week 44:
Week 46:
Week 47:
R code used in the exercises:
Week 40:
Week 41:
Week 42:
Week 43:
Weeks 44 & 45: