We will use the the programming language R for the practical computing in the lectures as well as the exercises in STK4080. Below are given:
- information on some R packages that will be used in the course
- information on some of the data sets that will be used for illustration in the lectures and the exercises
- R code for lectures and exercises
R packages
The package "mstate" may be used to estimate transition probabilites in competing risks and Markov chain models. A description of the package is given in a paper by de Wreede et al. in the Journal of Statistical Software.
The package "parfm" may be used to fit parametric frailty models. A description of the package is given in a paper by Munda et al. in the Journal of Statistical Software.
Data sets
Causes of death and mortality in three Norwegian counties: Description Data
Bone marrow transplantation data: Description Data
Leukemia data: Description Data
Melanoma data: Description Data
R code used in the lectures
Week 37: Commands for computing Nelson-Aalen and Kaplan-Meier estimates for the leukemia data are given here .
Week 38: Commands for computing retricted means and quartiles for the leukemia data are given here .
Week 39: Commands for competing causes of death for Norwegian males are given here .
Week 39: Commands for non-parametric tests for the melanoma data are given here .
Week 40: Commands for Cox regression for the melanoma data are given here .
Week 41: Commands for model check for Cox regression for the melanoma data are given here .
Week 42: Commands for additive regression for the melanoma data are given here .
Week 43: Commands for parametric models are given here .
Week 46: Commands for parametric frailty models for clustered are given here .
R code used in the exercises