Exercises and solutions


Exercises for week 16 (21.04): There are no new ordinary exercises for this week. Instead you may prepare for the discussion of exam exercises in the lecture 21.04: The plan is to go more or less thoroughly through 2016,1 (Kaplan-Meier); 2016,3 (survival regression); 2019,4 (nonparametric tests); 2020,3 (additive regression). For more recommended exam exercises, see the list given here

Solution (sketch) of the obligatory exercise is found here

Exercises for week 15 (14.04): (1) Do Exercises 1-3 in Slides 16 (includes solution). (2) Exercises E5.1 and E5.2. Solution E.5. (3) Have another look at R-tutorial on Weibull and Poisson regression which is now revised (see Computing).

Exercises for week 14 (07.04): (1) Problems 3 and 4 in Exam January 2020. (2) R-tutorial on Weibull and Poisson regression (see Computing).

Exercises for week 12 (24.03): You should work on the obligatory exercise. If you have time, you may do Problem 3 in Exam January 2020 (this exercise will otherwise be given for the first lecture after Easter, 07.04). 

Exercises for week 11 (17.03): You should work on the obligatory exercise. You may also go through the R-tutorial on Aalen's additive regression model (see Computing).

Exercises for week 10 (10.03): (1) Exercises E.3. Solution E.3. (2) Exercises E.4. Solution E.4. (3) R-tutorial for Cox regression (see Computing). 

Exercises for week 9 (03.03): (1) Exercise E.2.1. Solution E.2.1. (2) Exercises 4.1 and 4.2 in ASAUR p. 53. See Example 1.5 p. 8 for information on the data. In 4.1 you should use rho=1 in survdiff. Solution ASAUR Ex. 4.1 and 4.2. (3) Go through the R-tutorial for competing risks and the R-tutorial for the illness-death model. (4) Optional: Exercise 3.12 in ABG p. 129. Solution ABG 3.12

Exercises for week 8 (24.02): (1) Exercises 3.6 and 3.8 in ABG p. 128. Solution ABG Ex 3.6. Solution ABG Ex 3.8.  (2) Exercises 3.1 and 3.2 in ASAUR p. 42. Solution for ASAUR Ex 3.1 and 3.2. (3) Go through the R-tutorials on ties for the Nelson-Aalen estimator, and the tutorial for left-truncation (see Computing).

Exercises for week 7 (17.02): (1) Exercise 2.12 (p. 67 in ABG) Hint: Prove first that W(t) itself is a martingale and find its predictable variation. Look at Section 2.1.1 in ABG, and Slides 5; Solution Ex 2.12 in ABG.  (2) Reconsider the asymptotics at the end of Exercises E1.1 and check how the theory is applied. (3) Do Problem 1 of Exam in STK4080/9080 December 2012. (4) You may also have a look at the R-tutorial for the Kaplan-Meier estimator (see Computing), which is the main topic for the lectures on 17.02.  . 

Exercises for week 6 (10.02): Exercise 3.3 (p. 127 in ABG) Solution ex. 3.3; Exercises E1.1, E1.2; Solution E1.1-1.2. Go through the R-tutorial for Nelson-Aalen estimator (see Computing). 

Exercises for week 5 (03.02): 1.6-1.9  (and 1.10 if you have time) (p. 38-39 in ABG). You can have a look at the solution here.  

Exercises for week 4 (27.01): Do the exercises that are found inside the theory of Slides 5 pages 1-32 (you need not do Exercise 8) You can look at the solutions in Slides 5 - SOLUTIONS

Exercises for week 3 (20.01): 1.1-1.5 (p. 37-38 in ABG). Solution

Published Jan. 13, 2021 2:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2021 9:04 AM