Thanks for your efforts & …

Thanks for your efforts & stamina with the two-week Exam Project. The oral examination part will take around 30 minutes per student, and is being organised as follows. Please report immediately if there are problems related to the time slot you are allocated to here. (This particular message, with candidate names & dates etc., will be deleted after the exam.) The examinations are taking place in room B 81, 8th floor.

Fri 20.6:

14:30: Lukas Gudmundsson

Tue 24.6:

12:00 Christopher Nuth

12:45 Roar Br?nden

13:30 Bj?rnar Mortensen

14:30 Geir W?hler Gustavsen

15:15 Mads Opstad Reistadbekk

16:00 Dina Abdin Ahmed Salama

Wed 25.6:

9:00 Kjell Andreas Solberg

9:45 J?rgen Hande

10:30 Linn Saxrud Johansen

11:15 Ida Solhjell

12:45 Linn Cecilie Bergersen

Publisert 20. juni 2008 01:37 - Sist endret 20. juni 2008 01:45