Wednesday May 26th: We start at 10.15 today.
In exercise 2010:9 c), the left hand side of the equation should be 1-H(....)
Project, part 2: I had forgotten to put out the script referred to in the text. That is now available under the project page.
The second part of the project exam is now available. Note that you need to fill in a declaration form in connection with the project.
Note that there will be no exercises for this week, so at wednesday April 7th we will start at 10.15
The first part of the project exam is now available. Note that you need to fill in a declaration form in connection with the project.
The first part of the project exam will be given out next week (16-20 mars).
Student contacts are ?yvind Bleka and Hans kristian Ruud
The final exam in this subject will be a project and a written exam. Further information will follow.
NBBBBBB: Wednesday february 24th the lectures will be from 08.15 to 10.00
There will be no exercises on wednesday 20. jan, so that the lectures will start at 10.15 this day.