1. Please print out a …

1. Please print out a copy of the "Course Notes & Exercises" (where there is an updated Version B of 19 Jan 09) for your convenience & use. For Mon 26 Jan, work through Exercise 4; we will also spend a little time completing Exercise 1.

2. I will upload various "com" files, of R script programme type, to the website; check "com1c" and "com1d" that pertain to Exercise 2, the running of ten regression models etc.

3. The lectures today were in correspondence with Sections 2.1-2.3, involving ML theory and the AIC formula. We go further with this next week, including a derivation of the AIC.

Publisert 20. jan. 2009 00:12 - Sist endret 9. juni 2009 01:05