We have started Ch 5. …

We have started Ch 5.

For the coming two weeks we shall go through the following exercises. (i) The remaining details regarding Exercise 9/2009. Estimate the 0.10-quantile using the two models, along with confidence intervals. (ii) Let y1, ..., yn be iid N(0, sigma^2), and consider models M0: sigma = sigma0 = 1 and M1: sigma is positive. Work out precise aic and bic recipes, and try to emulate the two central dimensions of the "prototype story" from Ch 4. Work with Pn(sigma) = Pr(selecting model M1 | sigma) and with risk functions for estimating sigma, and display curves, using e.g. n = 100 and n = 1000. (iii) Exam set 2009, 1(a)-(g) and 2(a)-(c).

Published Mar. 24, 2011 3:19 PM - Last modified June 10, 2011 2:10 PM