En akademisk talsmann for the beautiful people
Wed Apr 17 we discussed AFIC and rounded off Ch 6. We also went through various details related to Exam 2009 Exercise 3, (a)-(c).
Sections 6.8 and 6.10 are not active parts of the curriculum, but rather inside the "cursory curriculum" (where you should know what the sections are about, and why, but where detailed knowledge is not required).
Exercises for Wed Apr 24: First Exam 2009 Exercise 3, where we focus on the FIC point (c) and the AFIC point (e), where you are also invited to play with different importance weight functions w(z,z) for the positions (z,z) in the covariate space of (z1,z2). Then Exercise 1 from the same set, followed by its application to this follow-up question to Exercise 2(c): Use FIC to estimate the log-density log f(y0), for a range of y0 values.
Jeg er innkalt legdommer i en straffesak i Tingretten tirsdag 23.4, og vil først i løpet av den dagen vite om saken også trenger onsdag 23.5 som oppfølgingsdag. Følg derfor med på denne kurssiden, der jeg etter arbeidstid tirsdag legger ut beskjed om det blir undervisning onsdag eller ikke.