Semester page for STK4160 - Spring 2013


Takk for innleverte prosjektrapporter (med de mange sider!). Muntligdelen av eksamen arrangeres alts? fredag 21. juni, i rom B62 i Matematikkbygningen, og kj?replanen er som f?lger.

09:00 Kristina Haarr Vidvand

09:35 Geir W?hler Gustavsen

10:10 Torunn Heggland

10:45 Emil Huster

11:20 Emil Mogstad

11:55 Sofie S?bu?deg?rd

13:00 Trond Arild Ydersbond

13:35 Peder ?stbye

June 18, 2013 12:16 PM

1. As agreed upon during our last lecture, I'm generously allowing 24 more hours for the exam project; rather than making the exam project available Friday June 7, it will materialise Thursday June 6. The date for delivering your report (in duplicate) is unchanged, i.e. Monday June 17 at 13:59 or earlier. Note that you will be asked to hand in also Special Page A and Special Page B (as explained in the exam set). There will also be certain extra files uploaded to this course site at the time where the exam set is made available; please report immediately to me if anything is not going right with any of these.

2. I believe I have recited the curriculum list during the lectures,  along with suitable comments on its parts and details, but here is at any rate the written version. The curriculum is based on (i) the Claeskens and Hjort book (Cambridge, 2008); (ii) all exercises solved and discussed during the course (see the Course Not...

June 4, 2013 12:04 AM

Wed May 15 we went through Exam stk 4160 June 2011 Exercises 1 and 2, discussing related issues along the way, e.g. concerning model averaging and risk functions.

I have uploaded com28c, which does the FIC and AFIC for the ldl data. Check that you understand this programme and can modify it on your own for later purposes. In particular it uses certain tricks to go through the full list of 2^q submodels in one go. The programme also fits the data to a certain heteroskedastic model which does quite a bit better than the eight models used in the Exercise 2.

Next week is Abelian (six million kroner to Deligne), but we meet Wed May 22, perhaps two hours rather than three, and go through the rest of Exam stk 4160 2011.

May 16, 2013 10:25 AM