exercises for Wed March 3

1. On Wed Feb 24, Nils lectured from the first half of Ch 5, with 1-parameter extensions of given models, leading to tolerance radius characterisations etc. Celine went through 4-hour Exam Exercises 1, 2 from the 2015 set. 

We've uploaded "Nils, Lecture 7" and handwritten notes for the exercises ("Week 7") to the course site.

2. Exercises for Wed March 3 (this message will be edited and completed later): 

(a) You visit an island where everyone is fond of Model 0, namely the N(xi, 1). You creatively suggest the N(\xi,\sigma^2) model. What is the tolerance radius around M0? 

(b) Nils Collection Exercise 9, the kurtosis extension of the normal. 

(c) Gerda-Nils Book Exercise 5.8, an extended Poisson model.

Published Feb. 25, 2021 11:36 AM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2021 10:41 AM