
Vi skal bruke f?lgende pensumsbok i dette kurset:

1. Michael Koller: Stochastic Models in Life Insurance. Springer (2012).

St?ttelitteraturen vi trenger er:

2. Thomas M?ller, Mogens Steffensen: Market-Valuation Methods in Life and Pension Insurance. Cambridge University Press (2007).



Det er planlagt ? gjennomg? f?lgende kapitler i boken til Michael Koller:

1. General Life Insurance Model (generell innf?ring)

2. Stochastic Processes (rekapitulering av matematiske verkt?y)

3. Interest Rate (rentemodeller i livsforsikring)

4. Cash Flows and Mathematical Reserves

5. Difference Equations and Differential Equations (f.eks. Thiele?s differentiallikning m.h.p. stokastiske renter)

6. Examples and Problems From Applications

7. Hattendorff?s Theorem (Markovmodell-formulering)

8. Unit-Linked Policies (prisingsteori, arbitrasje muligheter,...)

9. Policies with Stochastic Interest Rate

10. Technical Analysis (hvis tiden tillater det)

11. Abstract Valuation (valueringsportef?ljer)

12. Policyholder Bonus Mechanism (hvis tiden tillater det)

Publisert 2. jan. 2015 17:04