Important news regarding teaching
The University of Oslo has opened for the possibility of teaching in small groups up to max 20 people. For this reason I introduce the following changes:
1) We go back to physical teaching. We start forthcoming Monday 1st of May at Vilhelm Bjerknes' building, Auditorium 2 at 12:15.
2) Digital teaching will continue, but, it will be moved to Tuesday 2nd of March 12:15-14:00. We will then choose together a suitable time for future digital lectures.
3) The first 20 students will be granted a place in the lecture. Please, reserve a spot for yourself following this link:
4) Note the following: digital teaching will be as before and Mondays will be mostly used for reviewing theory and solving more exercises (so this is extra, but recommended!)
Please, ask if there is something unclear. Hope to see many of you! At most 20!