NB! Guest lecture in our course, Wednesday, 21. Sept., 14:15-17:00, Room 1120, NHA!

The Section in Risk and Stochastics is happy to announce a guest lecture on Longevity Risk as part of our course STK4540 on Wednesday next week.


This is all about financial risk arising from the increasing of life expectancy. 

To know more about the good and the bad associated to living longer and what society has to expect, then we need to know about longevity risk. 

You will here about modelling, forecasting, and quantification.


The lecture is held by Prof. Péter Vékás, Corvinus University in Budapest and it is on Wednesday 21st September 2022 in NHA 1120 from 14:15 to 17:00 (with breaks).


You find out more details about the speaker and the lecture, please see here:



Published Sep. 12, 2022 5:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2022 5:07 PM