The lectures and exercise classes in STK4900 will be given in weeks 12 and 19 (16-20 March and 4-8 May). In these weeks there will be lectures by ?rnulf Borgan Monday to Friday 9.15-12.00 in auditorium 2, V. Bjerknes hus.
Below is given a plan for the lectures in the first week. The plan for the second week will be given later.
In the plan "BS" is short hand for the lecture notes by B?lviken & Skovlund .
Part 1 (week 12)
Monday 16 March: Lecture 1 i BS (Slides ). Introduction to R .
Tuesday 17 March: Lecture 2 in BS (Slides ).
Wednesday 18 March: Lecture 3 i BS (Slides ). The cigarett data used for illustration are available here .
Thursday 19 March: Lectures 4-5 in BS (Slides ).
Friday 20 March: Lecture 6 i BS (Slides ).
Part 2 (week 19)
Monday 4 May: Comments on the compulsory assignment (R-help ). Lecture 7 in BS (Slides ).
Tuesday 5 May: Lecture 8 in BS (Slides ).
Wednesday 6 May: Lecture 9 in BS (Slides ).
Thursday 7 May: Lecture 10 in BS (Slides ).
Friday 8 May: Lecture 11 in BS (Slides ).