
Publisert 10. apr. 2015 11:06

The obligs will be briefly discussed during the data exercises during the second week of the course.

Publisert 23. feb. 2015 12:20

The exam will be a written one over four hours. Details of time and place will
 be published later. There is unlike last year no home exam.

Publisert 23. feb. 2015 12:08

The oblig is now available. Details of how and when it has to be completed and submitted are outlined in the oblig text.

Publisert 17. feb. 2015 16:24

All students are required to solve and report on a mandatory exercise that is a practical statistical analysis. The data and the exercise will be downloadable from the home page from February 23 and onwards. Students
 have three weeks to complete the exercise. Details on February 23.

Publisert 16. feb. 2015 08:39

There are theoretical exercises (held at  UE 32 at NHL) and a data-lab at IT-room1 at VB. The students will be divided in two groups with group 1 taking the theoretical exercises first and then moving on to the data lab and with group 2 switching oing the exercises in the opposite order. The first round of exercises start at  13.15 and  the second one at 14.45 with a break in between.

Publisert 12. feb. 2015 11:24

You will now find the course plan under the headings "Lectures and "Execises" on the right of the web page. There is much supplementary
 material such as R-programs and soultions to some of the exercises.

It is possible to learn a lot from the slides of the lectures. The textbook is Vittinghof, E., Glidden, D., Shiboski,S.C. and McCullogh, C. (2005) or (2013). Regression methods in biostatiscs. Springer.