More about the exam

As previously announced the home exam will be made available through Inspera on Friday May 29th, 2:30PM with a deadline for submission on Monday June 8th, 2:30PM.

The problems in exam will involve analyses of data sets using R (preferably) similarly to the mandatory assignments. You need thus figure out the R commands yoursself, but you should find sufficient information on how to do this from the lectures and exercises on the course pages. 

But in contrast with the mandatory assignments the questions are in general quite specific and not open-ended as in some of the questions in the mandatory assignments. In addition you are asked to be more specific about the theory behind the procedures you use, more similar to regular exam problems.

For the solution you hand in you can use latex or some other text processing program, but it can also be handwritten ("digital hand drawing"). The solution should also include R-commands and R-output central to the answers.

The solution that you submit must be exported or scanned to one pdf-format.


Published May 22, 2020 12:45 PM - Last modified May 26, 2020 10:10 AM