dates for Oblig One

As you all know, teaching takes place in Week One, March 18-22, and Week Two, April 15-19. There are two Obligs (obligatory, mandatory, compulsory sets of exercises, choose your favourite adjective), where you send in your reports, qua pdf documents, inside the *Canvas* system. *Oblig One* will be made available at the course website at t_0 = Sat March 23, and your reports need to be delivered to the system by t_1 = Mon April 8, at 15:59 Blindern time.

Reports are meant to be in "good reporting prose" modus, where methods and findings are described, motivated, discussed, interpreted, supplemented with the relevant figures, numbers, perhaps tables. A document containing "only" figures, numbers, tables, snippets of R code, with minimal explanations and absence of "good reporting prose", might not pass.

We'll come back to details & time window for *Oblig Two* later on, but the expected coordinates are t_0 = Sat 20 April and t_1 =  Mon 6 May.

Published Mar. 14, 2024 9:44 PM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2024 9:44 PM