Exercises in STK4900 - Spring 2024

The lectures and exercise classes in STK4900 will take place Monday to Friday over one week beginning in March (Mar 18 - 22)  and one in April (15-19) . There will in these weeks be exercises from 12.15 to 16.00. The exercises will consist of two parts: (i) computer exercises using R ("datalab") and (ii) "Pen and paper exercises" using calculator, pen, and paper. Further details on the organisation of the exercises will be provided throughout the course.

Below are the exercises for each day. Solutions will be posted as the course progresses.


Part 1 March 18 - 22

Monday March 18:

Computer exercises:

Full code for R-exercise 1 (also 1b!), R-exercise 2, and R-exercise 3.

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day1_exercises

"Pen and paper" exercises:

Here are tables of the standard normal, student t, Fisher F and chi-square distributions.

These may come in handy for today's and later pen-and-paper exercises as well as for the final exam.


Tuesday March 19:

Computer exercises:

Full code for R-exercise 4, R-exercise 5, R-exercise 6, and R-exercise 7.

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day2_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Wednesday March 20:

Computer exercises:

Full code for R-exercise 8, R-exercise 9, and R-exercise 10.

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day3_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:


Thursday March 21:

Computer exercises:

Full code for R-exercise 11 and R-exercise 12.

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day4 exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Friday March 22:

Computer exercises:

Full code for R-exercise 13 and R-exercise 14.

Pen and paper exercises:


Part 2 April 15 - 19

Monday April 15:

Computer exercises:

Sol. Oblig 1. code example:  here
Code from the Datalab: R-exercise 15, R-exercise 16R-exercise 17

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day6_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Tuesday April 16:

Computer exercises:

Code from the Datalab: R-exercise 18, R-exercise 19R-exercise 20

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day7_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Wednesday April 17:

Computer exercises:

Code from the Datalab: R-exercise 21, R-exercise 22

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day8_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Thursday April 18:

Computer exercises:

Additional Markdown document with solutions (shown in class): day9_exercises

Pen and paper exercises:

Friday April 19:

Computer exercise:

Code from the Datalab: R-exercise 25, AUC

Pen and paper exercises:

Published Mar. 10, 2024 1:03 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 3:25 PM