As a reminder, the deadline for submitting assignment 1 is tomorrow (Thursday 6.3) at 14:30.
I had to re-assign the first assignment to you in Canvas due to a technical mistake. If you already had submitted your report, please go in to Canvas and check if your submission is still there, and re-submit if needed. Sorry for this! :)
The first mandatory assignment is now available here. The report should be submitted through Canvas and the deadline for submission is March 6 at 14:30. Note that there is only one attempt(!) to pass the assignment and you need to make a genuine attempt to solve the problems in order to pass. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about the problems and/or report (note also that you can update your submitted solutions up until the deadline).
Happy solving!
The first week of teaching starts tomorrow at 9:15 in Auditorium 1 (VB). See you all then!
For the exercise classes, we will divide up into two groups:
- Group A: all students whose last name begins with A-J;
- Group B: all students whose last name begins with K-?;
Group A will begin with pen-and-paper exercises in UE26 (NHA) at 12:15-14:00 and then move on to computer exercises in UE32 (NHA) at 14:15-16:00. Conversely, group B will begin with computer exercises and then move on to pen-and-paper exercises.
Welcome to the Spring 2025 version of STK4900/9900. This year the lectures will be given by Johan Pensar, and the exercise classes will be held by Alfonso Diz-Lois Palomares and Hedvig Borgen Reiersrud.
Teaching: The course follows an intensive format over two separate weeks: February 10.-14.(week 7) and March 17.-21. (week 12). During these two weeks, we will each day have lectures 9:15-12:00, followed by a lunch break, and then exercise classes 12:15-16:00 (both paper-and-pen and computer exercises). We will be using R as programming language in the computer exercises and examples during the lectures.
Course material: It will be possible to learn a lot from the lecture slides and exercise classes. The recommended textbook is Regression methods in biostatistics by Vittinghoff el al. (see Syllabus for more details), which is available online through the UiO library.