exam!, parts I & II
1. The Exam Project will be made available on this course site, Wed Dec 4th, morning, and reports need to be handed in by Mon Dec 16th, at 10:59 or earlier; instructions are given on page 1 in the project description. Importantly, each report needs to contain *two extra special pages*: (i) a signed self-declaration form, essentially saying "I have worked on this by myself, and have duly referenced things & thangs I might have found in the libraries in the world, and I am not a plagiarist (etc.)"; and (ii) the student's one-page summary of the exam project, also containing a brief self-assessment of its quality. So if you feel that you've earned a clear A, say it (etc.).
2. Then on Thu Dec 19th there will be 25-minute oral examinations of the candidates; precise information about time schedule etc. will come in due time.
Good luck with your efforts!