exercises for Tue Sep 3
1. On Tue Aug 27 I worked through Exercises 1, Nils Extra 1, and the essence of Exercise 40. I also talked about the basics of Gaussian processes used as priors for unknown functions, when these are e.g. observed a finite number of locations. I also went through parts of the Nils Big Insight Feb 2017 talk (with the pdf available at this site).
2. I've uploaded Nils R scripts com41a (for Exercise 40) and com42a (for Nils Extra, two binomials with two loss functions). Run them, with variations, to make sure you know what goes on at each step.
3. For Tue Sep 3, go through *more of Exercise 40*, including generating m(x) curves from the prior and the posterior. Then do Nils Exercises 3 and 4. Also, *look through* (without necessarily doing all of it) Nils Exercise 5 (the Dirichlet Process), and the Exam Project 2018 Exercise 2. We will return to details later.