welcome to the course: we start out Tue January 16
This is the first time we've given a course on Bayesian Nonparametrics, and I look forward to the experience. The intended level is PhD plus upper level Master, and it's assumed that students know the basics of "usual" parametric Bayesian statistics, with a bit of computational experience etc.
Lectures are held Tuesdays 9:15 to 12:00 in Undervisningsrom 107, the Abel Building, and we start out Tuesday January 16. The typical structure for these three times forty-five minutes will be two parts lecture plus one part exercises. Exercises might partly be developed during the course, and will also involve analysis of real datasets.
There are several books on Bayesian Nonparametrics, including Hjort, Holmes, Müller, Walker (Cambridge, 2010), where its introductory chapter will be part of the curriculum. The main course material will however be from Müller, Quintana, Jara, Hanson (Springer, 2015), "Bayesian Nonparametric Data Analysis". Please get hold of your own copy, perhaps via Amazon or eBay -- and I do think it's freely available as a pdf from the web via the Department of Mathematics.
Nils Lid Hjort