Exams take place in *Rom 1020*, 10th floor, Fri 10th 9-13 and Mon 13th 9-13. Each candidate needs to check how to work the equipment. Think *40 minutes, max 45*, then with questions and comments and discussion, with sensorene Nils + Emil.

Time table:
Fri Dec 10:
9:15 Dennis Christensen
10:15 Lars Olsen
11:15 Per August Moen
12:15 Fabian Bull

Mon Dec 13:
9:15 Ingrid D?hlen
10:15 Adam Rogers
11:15 Haifeng Xu
12:15 Haris Fawad

* Dennis Christensen: f?r K. Doksum, 1974, Annals of Probability, "Tailfree and neutral Bayesian random probabilities and their posterior distributions". (Kjell Doksum was born in July 1940, and died last week, November 2021.)

* Lars Olsen: f?r Cynthia Rudin, 2019, "Stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use interpretable models instead".

* Per August Moen: f?r C. Cunen, G.H. Hermansen, N.L. Hjort, JS...

Nov. 25, 2021 10:35 PM

Just for the record of these board messages, we have been and are still following the gameplan4 schedule of things. So on Tue Oct 26 we had

* Ingrid D: Efron, annals 1975

* Per August M: Angrist, Imbens, Rubin, jasa 1996.

On Tue Nov 2 we have

* Adam R: Montoya 2019

* Fabian B: Welling and Teh 2011.

On this Tue Nov 2 Nils gives a talk on kortstokkproblemet (and are the millions of decimals of pi really iid uniform on 0-9?), just after the stk9200.

Nov. 2, 2021 10:06 AM

For Tue Oct 19: Lars O presens Efron (1979), the birth of bootstrapping; Dennis C presents Ferguson (1973), the birth of Bayesian nonparametrics.

For Tue Oct 26: Ingrid D presents Efron (1975), on two ways of looking at and using logistic regression; Per August M presents the Nobel Prize Class paper Angrist, Imbens, Rubin (1996).

I've uploaded more papers on the course site, and also updated the gameplan3 document.

Oct. 12, 2021 9:31 PM