The first obligatory exercise will …

The first obligatory exercise will be posted here on Monday, and the deadline for delivery is Friday 17/3 at 14:30. The answers should be delivered to the expedition at the Mathematics Institute, 7th floor, Niels Henrik Abels hus. In the exercise you will be asked to draw slope fields, direction fields and solution curves for differential equations or systems of differential equations (see sect. 1.3 and p.479 in EP) You may use any mathematics program to do this, but if you use Maple you will find most of the information you need in this booklet . In addition to the commands listed in the booklet you will need the commands dfieldplot and phaseportrait to plot direction fields and phase portraits. (In the example exhibited we use the coupled system x?=x(1-y) , y?=y(x-1) of differential equations.)

Publisert 2. mars 2006 20:23 - Sist endret 29. jan. 2025 13:44