There is now a Version …
There is now a Version C of the Exercises and Lecture Notes, comprising 68 exercises on 42 pages; please print out a copy for your own convenience. I have included some exam sets I made for the similar course "ST 201" in 1989 and 1995.
Exercises for Tue Nov 17:
Nils Exercises, Nos. 50, 51, 52, 53. (These actually make up the full Exam set, Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, for the course ST 201, "twenty years ago today", to quote Sgt. Pepper.) For Exercise #53, you may limit the ambition level from "almost sure convergence" to "convergence in probability".
Importantly, the students are generously given the possibility of handing in written solutions to all or any of these four exercises, by Tue Nov 17; Nils will then mark them and provide individual comments.