HMS0506 – Patient Clinic Safety

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Course content

In this course we will provide you with basic knowledge about the various risks when working in a patient clinic. You will meet different patient groups and work processes. When studying / working in a clinic you will need knowledge of methods and equipment that you need to perform the work in a manner safe to yourself, the patients and your colleagues. Work will in varying degrees lead you in contact with infectious agents, chemicals, radiation and different human behavior.

After completing the course you will be able to consider various risk factors and implement measures to create a safe working environment in a clinic.

Learning outcome

After completing the course you should have knowledge of:

  • Basic protection from communicable diseases
  • Put in place suitable protective measures to protect from communicable diseases
  • How to treat infectious waste
  • Where to find information about personal protective gear
  • Which medical instruments in a clinic that can cause radiation damage
  • How to assess the risk of radiation
  • How to find information on protection against radiation damage
  • Introduction on how to act when patients are behaving in a physically or verbally threatening manner
  • What to do if you encounter an incident in a clinic
  • How to report incidents

Admission to the course

The course is compulsory for:

  • Students taking a course having HMS0506?as a prerequisite
  • New students in the following bachelor's programme:
  • New students in the following 5-year master's programmes:
  • New students at following the programme of professional study:


The course is an individual online course. The course is available on a?smart phone, PC, Mac or tablet.

You need to be registered for the course and exam in Student Web to complete the online digital exam.


The online course includes an oline digital exam that you need to pass, to pass the course. Please note that you will have to be registered for the course in StudentWeb to complete the exam.

The digital exam is multiple choice and you can take the exam more than once. When you have passed the exam you will receive an email confirming you have passed the course.

If HMS0506 is a?degree requirement or a formal prerequisite for any of the courses in your degree, you will not get your degree approved until you have passed the course.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 8:19:15 PM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching languages
  • English
  • Norwegian