Course content

This course gives an introduction to the field of social entrepreneurship. You will be given an introduction to relevant theory, meet social entrepreneurs?and get to know the most important players in the ecosystem for social entrepreneurship in Norway.

Learning outcome

After completing this course you'll be able to

  • Discuss what social entrepreneurship is, and how it differs from voluntary work and other entrepreneurship
  • Describe different organizational forms and business models
  • Describe different sources of funding
  • Describe how we can measure the effects of social entrepreneurship
  • Explain different forms of scaling and growth in social entrepreneurship

Admission to the course

The students will be prioritized as followed:

  1. Students enrolled in the Social entrepreneurship programme.
  2. Master students at the Department of Informatics with this and ENT4000I in their approved study plan.
  3. Others

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Completed bachelor?s degree or being in your sixth semester of a degree is required. There are no restrictions on field of study.

Overlapping courses


Mandatory teaching over four full day seminars held in Oslo in the period from mid January until March/April. The teaching consists of lectures, guest lectures, discussions and?work with assignments individually and in groups.

You must attend at least 80% of the teaching to be allowed to take the exam.?If you are absent more than 20% you will need valid documentation or a doctor's note to pass the course.

The teaching and the exam must be done in the same semester.


Final home exam which counts 100% towards the final?grade.

You must have attended at least 80% of the teaching to be allowed to take the exam. The teaching and the exam must be done in the same semester.

When writing your exercises?make sure to familiarize yourself with the?rules for use of sources and citations. Breach of these rules may lead to suspicion of?attempted cheating.

Examination support material

You should familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to?the use of sources and citations. If you violate the rules, you may be suspected of?cheating/attempted cheating.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F?is a fail. Read more about?the grading system.

Resit an examination

In this course, postponed exams are not offered for exam candidates who are ill before the exam or who become ill during the exam. A deferred submission deadline may be offered. Deadlines may be extended up to 7 days; the duration of the extension depends on the duration of the exam.?The illness must be documented with a doctor's certificate dated no later than the ordinary submission date. You must submit the doctor's certificate to the Student Administration at IFI before the submission deadline for the home exam.


More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Mar. 10, 2025 3:37:43 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language