Bornstein & Davis (2010). Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Dees, J.G. (1998). The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship.
- Dees, J.G. (1996). The Social Enterprise Spectrum: Philanthropy to Commerce. Harvard Business School, case 9-396-343
- Dees, J.G. and Anderson, B.B. (2003). ‘For-profit social ventures.’ International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Special issue on social entrepreneurship), 2, 1-26.
- Ebrahim and Rangan (2010). ‘The limits of nonprofit impact: A Contigency Framework for Measuring Social Performance.’ Harvard Business School Working paper, 10-099
- Martin & Osberg 2007. Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition.
- Santos, Filipe (2012). ‘A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship’ Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, Vol.111(3), pp.335-351
- Uvin, Jain, and Brown (2000) ‘Think Large and Act Small: Toward a New Paradigm for NGO Scaling Up.’ World Development, 28, 1409-1419.
- F?lgende artikler i ’Praktisk ?konomi og finans’, 01/2016:
- Sosialt entrepren?rskap, en avlegger av velferdsstaten (Irina Lee)
- P?belprosjektet – godt sosialt entrepren?rskap (Ingeborg Rasmussen)
- Sosialt entrepren?rskap i Norge: en introduksjon til feltet (Eline L. Ingstad og Jill Loga)
- Dees, Anderson, and Wei-Skillern (2004). Scaling social impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 1, 24-32.
Forelesningsnotater og podcast fra forelesningsplan.
- KS rapport: Sosiale entrepren?rer – partnerskap for nye l?sninger (2016), med fokus p? kapittel 1-4 og 6-8.
- Defourny, J. & Nyssens, M. (2010). Conceptions of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States: Convergences and divergences. Journal of social entrepreneurship, 1 (1): 32-53.
- Bornstein, D. (2007). How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas. Oxford University Press.
- Yunus, M. (2011). Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs.
- Karanda, C. & Toledano, N. (2012). Social entrepreneurship in South Africa: a different narrative for a different context. Social Enterprise Journal, 8 (3): 201-215.
- Lombard, A. & Strydom, R. (2011). Community development through social entrepreneurship. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 23 (3): 327-344.