ENT9601 – Entrepreneurship Research

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

In this course, you will learn the foundations, recent developments, and emerging topics of the entrepreneurship research field. While the course discusses major themes of entrepreneurship research, one specific topic it focuses on is entrepreneurship in the context of digital transformation, or digital entrepreneurship. Additionally, the course covers various tools for data collection and analysis as well as strategies for presenting and publishing research papers.

Altogether, the main objective of the course is to help you successfully design, conduct, and publish theoretically informed empirical research. While the course focuses on the entrepreneurship field, knowledge and skills, which you acquire after competing this course, can also be applied to adjacent research fields such as digitalization, organizational behaviour, innovation, strategic management etc.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, you will:

  • Have a good overview of the major research themes theories, and knowledge gaps of the entrepreneurship literature;
  • Acquire a good understanding of the emerging research stream of digital entrepreneurship;
  • Be able to develop, position, and discuss your own research ideas in the light of existing entrepreneurship perspectives and theories;
  • Gain knowledge of tools to collect and analyse relevant data and ability to critically evaluate and discuss different methodologies;
  • Increase the ability to present and communicate your research in academic contexts.

Admission to the course

PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through?Studentweb.

If a course has limited intake capacity, priority will be given to PhD candidates who follow an individual education plan where this particular course is included. Some national researchers’ schools may have specific rules for ranking applicants for courses with limited intake capacity.

PhD candidates who have been admitted to another higher education institution must?apply for a position as a visiting student?within a given deadline.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

No obligatory prerequisites beyond the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway.

Overlapping courses


The teaching is based on a combination of lectures and seminar discussions. As part of the course, each course participant must prepare to present their own work in progress (or a research idea), and to provide comments on their peer’s presentations. It is also expected that the course participants will read the recommended literature in advance and actively participate in discussions and other course activities.


Final individual research paper.

It will also be counted as one of?your three?attempts to sit the exam for this course, if you sit the exam for one of the following courses: ENT9600 – Entrepreneurial teams and new business creation (continued)

Language of examination

The exam will be written in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about?the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 23, 2025 3:40:20 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language