Reading list:
Arrow, K. E., 1963. Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care, American Economic Review 53, 941?973. Subscription
Chandra, A., Cutler, D., & Song, Z., 2012. Who ordered that? The economics of treatment choices in medical care. Handbook of health economics, 2, 397-432. Subscription
Iversen, T., 2015. Primary Care: Effectiveness and Costs. In R. M. Scheffler (ed.): Global Health Economics and Public Policy. World Scientific, forthcoming
Kornai, J., Eggleston, K., 2001. Welfare, choice and solidarity in transition. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 47-99.
OECD, 2013. Health at a glance 2013 - OECD indicators. OECD, Paris. Subscription
OECD, 2010. Value for money in health spending. OECD, Paris. Subscription
Siciliani, L., Iversen, T., 2012. Waiting times and waiting lists. In A. Jones (ed): The Elgar Companion to Health Economics (E. Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham), 259 - 268.
Siciliani, L., 2012. An economic assessment of price rationing versus non-price rationing of health care. In T. Iversen og S. A. C. Kittelsen (eds.): Challenges in health care financing and provision. Nordic Economic Policy Review 2/2012, 213-242. Nordic Council of Ministers 2013. Subscription
Zweifel, P., Breyer, F., Kifman, M., 2009. Health Economics. Springer, Dordrect. Chapters 10. Subscription
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