Detailed teaching plan

Topics and readings:

1. 20th August:

Introduction: Basic structures of health care systems. Classifications.

Readings: Blank and Bureau (BB) ch 1, Gostin and Powers.

Lecturers: Terje P. Hagen (TPH) and Trond Tjerbo (TT)


2. 22nd August:

Social health insurance and managed competition. The Netherlands.

Readings: BB ch 2-3, Hassenteufel and Palier, Van de Ven et al.

Lecturer: TPH


3. 27th August:

Tax based insurance system. UK and the Scandinavian models.

Readings: BB ch. 2-3, Magnussen et al.


4. 29th August:

Private health insurance. US and Obama-care.

Readings: BB ch 2-3, Steinmo and Watts, Van de Ven and Schut.

Lecturer: TPH


5. 3rd September:

Types of reimbursement systems. The DRG-system.

Readings: Jegers et al.

Lecturer: TPH


6. 5th September:

Funding of health care providers, contracting out and patient choice.

Readings: Propper,

Lecturer: TPH


7. 10th September:

Priority settings and technology assessments.

Readings: BB ch. 4-5,

Lecturer: TT


8. 12th September:

Public health and long term care

Readings: BB ch. 6-7

Lecturer: TT


9. 17th September:

Health expenditures

Readings: Rothgang et al. (2010)

Lecturer: TT


10. 19th September:

Health care reforms

Readings: BB ch. 8, Cutler (2002), Schmid et. al (2010), Steinmo &Watts (1995), Toth (2010), Wilsford (1994)

Lecturer: TT


11. 24th September:

Health care reforms

Readings: Readings: BB ch. 8, Cutler (2002), Schmid et. al (2010), Steinmo &Watts (1995), Toth (2010), Wilsford (1994)

Lecturer TT


12. 26th September:


Readings: Everything

Lecturers: TPH and TT


The final exam: 9 October at 09:00 (4 hours).


Published Sep. 9, 2013 1:11 PM - Last modified Sep. 9, 2013 1:11 PM