
Required reading:

Francis, R. (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry Executive Summary. London: The Stationery Office.

Hartley J and Benington J (2011) Recent trends in leadership Thinking and action in the public and voluntary service sectors. London: King’s Fund.

Goodall, A., Bastiampillai, T., Nance, M., Roeger, L. and Allison, S. (2015) Expert Leadership: Doctors versus managers for the executive leadership of Australian mental health. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49, 409-411.

Kalvemark S., Hoglund A T. ,Hanssona  MG, Westerholmb  P  and  Arnetza.B  (2003) Living with conflicts-ethical dilemmas and moral distress in the health care system. Social Science & Medicine 58, 1075–1084.

Martin, G., Beech, N., MacIntosh, R. and Bushfield, S. (2015) Potential challenges facing distributed leadership in health care: evidence from the UK National Health Service. Sociology of Health & Illness, 37, 14-29.

Sahlsten, M., Larsson, I., Sjostrom, B. and Plos, K. (2008) An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation. Nursing Forum, 48, 2-11.

Rao, S., Carballo, V., Cummings, B., Millham, F. and Jacobson, J. (2017) Developing an interdisciplinary, Team-based Quality Improvement Leadership Training Program for Clinicians: The Partners Clinical Process Improvement Leadership Program. American Journal of Medical Quaity, 32, 271-277.

Senge P, Hamilton H, Kania J (2015). ‘The dawn of system leadership’. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter. Available at:   (accessed on 24 November 2017).

Timmins, N. (2015) The Practice of System Leadership Being comfortable with chaos. London: Kings Fund.

Uhl-Bien M Marion R (2009) Complexity Leadership in Bureaucratic Forms of Organizing: A Meso Model. Management Dep. Faculty Publication available at:


Compulsory activity before the start of the course (preparatory work):

Prior to attending, please download 2012 NHS Leadership Academy. All rights reserved. 1. The Leadership Framework. Self assessment tool. Complete this for yourself p.1-10.

Available at:



Published Nov. 22, 2017 6:13 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2017 2:30 PM