
Required readings:

Lawton Burns (Author), Elizabeth Bradley (Author), Bryan Weiner (Author) : “Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior” 2012. (6th edition). Delmar. Ch 1-6, 8-9 (210 p.+chapter 9)

Quinn, Robert E, Sue R Faerman, Michael P Thompson, Michael R McGrath, Lynda S. St. Claire: Becoming a Master Manager. A Competing Values Approach. 2011 (5th edition). John Wiley and Sons Ltd  Ch 1-3 (100 p.)

Edmonstone, John : Clinical leadership: the elephant in the room Int J Health Plann Mgmt 2009; 24: 290–305. [CL] Online (15 p.)

Spehar, Ivan; Frich, Jan C & Kjekshus, Lars Erik (2014). Clinicians in management: a qualitative study of managers' use of influence strategies in hospitals . BMC Health Services Research.  ISSN 1472-6963.  14(251) . doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-251 (10 p.)

Spehar, Ivan & Kjekshus, Lars Erik (2012). Medical management in Norwegian hospitals . Professions and Professionalism.  ISSN 1893-1049.  2(1), s 42- 59 . doi: 10.7577/pp.v2i1.178  (18 p.)

Glouberman, S., & Mintzberg, H. (2001a). Managing the care of health and the cure of disease - part 1: differentiation. Health Care Management Review, 26(1), 56-92.


The lecture notes are also considered part of the syllabus.


Recommended Readings:

Karstoft, J. and L. Tarp 2011. 'Is Lean Management implementable in a department of radiology?', Insights Imaging Springer March.[LEAN]

Spear, S. and K. H. Bowen 1999. 'Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System', Harvard Business Review 77, 5, pp. 99-109. [LEAN]  (10 p.)

Whither the elephant?: the continuing development of clinical leadership in the UK National Health Services. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2014 Jul-Sep;29(3):280-91.




Published Nov. 21, 2017 2:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2017 2:59 PM