Syllabus/achievement requirements

Mandatory readings: Lectures

Amenta E, Bonastia C, and Caren N (2001), US social policy in comparative and historical perspective: Concepts, images, arguments, and research strategies, Annual Review of Sociology, 27: pp.213–34. (22 pages)

Blake, C.H. & J.R. Adolino (2001) “The enactment of National Health Insurance: A Boolean Analysis of Twenty Advanced Industrial Countries” Journal of Health politics, Policy and Law vol 26 no.4: 679-708. (30 p.)

Bouguet D (2003), Convergence in social welfare systems: what are we talking about?, Social Policy & Administration, 37, 6: 674-693. (20 p.)

Richard Clayton and Jonas Pontusson(1998), “Welfare-State Retrenchment Revisited,” World Politics (1998), 51: 67-98. (22 p.)

Esping-Andersen G. (1990) “Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism”. Repreinted in: C. Pierson and F. G. Castles (2000) The Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp.154-169. (16 p.)

Esping-Andersen, G. (2003) Why no socialism anywhere? A reply to Alex Hicks and Lane Kenworthy. Socio-Economic Review, 1: 63-70. (8 p.)

Hall, P (1993) Policy paradigms, social learning and the state: The case of economic policy-making, Comparative Politics, 25: 275-296. (22 p.)

Hoffman B (2003) Health Care Reform and Social Movements in the United States, American Journal of Public Health, 93, 1: pp.75-85. (11 p.)

Howlett, M. and M. Ramesh (2004) Studying Public Policy, Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems, Oxford University Press, Oxford (second edition), ch.2., PP. 20-49. (30 p.)

Hunold (2001) Corporatism, pluralism and democracy, Governance, 14, 2: pp. 151-167. (17 p.)

Immergut, E. (1992) “The Rules of the Game: The Logic of Health Policy-Making in France, Switzerland, and Sweden”, in Steinmo, S. & K. Thelen & F. Longstreth (eds.) Structuring Politics. Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.57-89. (33 p.)

Kohli A, Evans P, Katzenstein P, Pzrewoski A, Rudolph S, Scott J, Skocpol T (1995) The role of theory in comparative politics: A simposium, World Politics, 48, 1: pages 1-10 and 16-21 (Note: only the sections by Kohli, Evans & Pzeworsky are mandatory). (16 p.)

Korpi, W. (1989) ‘Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights during Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries Since 1930’, American Sociological Review, 54, 3: 309-328 (20 p.)

Mahoney J (2004) Comparative-historical methodology, Annual Review of Sociology, 30: pp. 81–101. (21 p.)

Manin B 1989, Metamorphoses of representative government, in The principles of representative government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ch6, pp. 193-235. (43 p.)

Mechanic D and Rochefort D (1996), Comparative medical systems, Annual Review of Sociology, 22: 239-270. (32 p.)

Olsen M (1982), The logic of collective action, in The Rise and Decline of Nations, Yale University Press, ch.2: pp. 17-35. (14 p.)

Pierson, P. (1996), The new politics of the welfare state. World Politics (48):143-179. (37 p.)

Quadagno, J (2004), Why the United States Has No National Health Insurance: Stakeholder Mobilization Against the Welfare State, 1945-1996, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45: 25-44. (20 p.)

Rico A and Costa J (2005), “Power rather than path? The dynamics of institutional change under health care federalism”, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30, 1: 231-252. (23 p.)

Rico, A (2004) ‘Health and welfare in the 20th century: the politics of state expansion in Europe and North-America’ Paper prepared for the 2004 EU COST-A15 Conference on ‘Reforming welfare States in Europe’, Nantes, 22-3 May 2004. To be delivered in October 2005. (30 p.)

Scharpf F (2000), Institutions in comparative policy research, Comparative Political Studies, 33/6-7, 762-790. (30 p.)

Skocpol T (1980) Political response to capitalist crisis: Neomarxist theories of the state and the case of the New Deal, Politics and Society, 10, 2: 155-201. (47 p.)

Svallfors, S. (1998) "Worlds of Welfare and Attitudes to Redistribution: A Comparison of Eight Western Countries", European Sociological Review, 13, 2, pp. 283-304. (22 p.)

Tuhoy C (1999), Dynamics of a changing health sphere: the United States, Britain, and Canada, Health Affairs, 18, 3: 114-134 (21 p.)

White J (2003) Three meanings of state capacity: Or, why the federal government is most likely to lead on insurance access issues, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 28, 2-3: 217-244. (27 p.)

Elective readings: Case-studies

Each student should choose one article from the list below in order to review it, through both an oral presentation and a written essay.

Allan, J. P. & Scruggs, L. (2004). Political Partisanship and Welfare State Reform in Advanced Industrial Societies. American Journal of Political Science 48 (3), 496-512. (17 p.)

Blom-Hansen J (2000) Still corporatism in Scandinavia?: A survey of recent empirical findings, Scandinavian Political Studies, 23, 2: 157-181. (25 p.)

Briggs A (1961) The welfare state in historical perspective, European Journal of Sociology 11, 2, 221-258. Reprinted in: F Castles and C Pierson (2000): A Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press. (15 p.)

Goldsteen R.L.; Goldsteen K.; Swan J.H.; Cleme?a W. (2001), Harry and Louise and Health Care Reform: Romancing Public Opinion, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 26, 6: pp. 1325-1352. (27 p.)

Gre? S, Gildemeister S, Wasem J (2004), The Social Transformation of American Medicine: A Comparative View from Germany, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 29, 4-5: pp. 679-699. (20 p.)

Garrett, G (1993), The politics of structural change. Comparative Political Studies, 25, 521-547. (27 p.)

Hacker, J (2004), Review Article: Dismantling the Health care State? Political Institutions, Public Policies and the Comparative Politics of Health Reform, British Journal of Political Science, 34: 693-724. (32 p.)

Jacobs L (1992), Institutions and culture. Health policy and public opinion in the US and Britain, World Politics, 44: 179-209. (30 p.)

Jacobs L (2001) Manipulators and manipulation: public opinion in a representative democracy, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 26, 6: 1361-1374. (14 p.)

Jenkings C and Brents B (1989) Social protest, hegemonic competition and social reform: a political struggle interpretation of the origins of the American welfare state, American Sociological Review, 54: 891-909. (19 p.)

Korpi, Walter (2003) Welfare State Regress in Western Europe: Politics, Institutions, Globalization, Europeanization, Annual Review of Sociology, 29: 589–609. (21 p.)

Maioni A (1997) Parting at the cross-roads. The development of health insurance in Canada and the United States, Comparative Politics, 29, 4: 411-431. (21 p.)

Oliver, T (2004) Policy Entrepreneurship in the Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of Managed Care and Managed Competition, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 29, 4-5: pp. 701-733. (33 p.)

Navarro V. (1989), Why some countries have national health insurance, others have national health services, and the US has neither, Social Science and Medicine, 28:887–898. (12 p.)

Weir M, Skocpol T (1983), State structures and social Keynesianism. Responses to the Great Depression in Sweden and the US, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 24, 1-2: 6-29. (23 p.)

Published July 25, 2005 1:15 PM - Last modified Aug. 12, 2005 3:33 PM