Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
22.08.2005Terje P. Hagen? 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken, room 10? Basic concepts. Casual explanations? Kumar, ch. 1-6.?
25.08.2005Terje P. Hagen? 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken, room 10? Research design and data collection? Kumar, ch.7-8?
29.08.2005Petter Mostad? Domus Medica, room 1128? Introduction: Why statistics? ? Newbold, ch 1. Overheads?
01.09.2005Terje P. Hagen? Domus Medica, room 1128? Collecting own data. Validity and reliability? Kumar, ch. 9-11.?
05.09.2005Terje P. Hagen? Domus Medica, room 1128? Sample selection. Surveys. Ethics.? Kumar, ch. 12-14, 17.?
08.09.2005Petter Mostad? Domus Medica, room 1128? Descriptive statistics? Newbold ch 2,3. Overheads?
12.09.2005Milada Sm?stuen? PC-room, 2nd floor, Domus Medica? Descriptive statistics? Introduction to SPSS. Help with first compulsory exercise. Data for this exercise?
15.09.2005Petter Mostad? Domus Medica, room 1128? Probability theory? Newbold ch 4,5,6. Overheads Handin of first compulsory exercise?
19.09.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Probability theory? Newbold ch 4,5,6. Overheads?
22.09.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Probability theory? Exercises 3.17, 4.9, 4.43, 4.66 and 4.72. Extra: 4.60 og 4.79.?
26.09.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Sampling and estimation ? Newbold ch 7,8,9. Overheads?
29.09.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Sampling and estimation? Exercises 5.43, 5.63, 6.3, 6.7, 6.13. Extra : 6.33, 6.53?
03.10.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Sampling and estimation? Newbold ch 7,8,9. Overheads?
06.10.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room, 2nd floor, Domus Medica ? Sampling and estimation? Computer exercises Data for exercises Suggested solutions ?
10.10.2005Petter Mostad? Domus Medica, room 1128? Course evaluation at halfway point? Meeting 9:15 - 10:00?
10.10.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128 ? Regression ? Newbold ch 10,11,12. Overheads


13.10.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Regression? Exercises 10.7, 10.16, 10.26, 10.31, 10.61, 11.3?
17.10.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Multiple regression. Problem solving? Newbold ch 10,11,12. Overheads?
20.10.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room, 2nd floor, Domus Medica ? Regression? Computer exercises: Newbold 10.56 a-e (f), 10.64, 11.80 a. Data can be read from the textbook CD.


24.10.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128 ? More on regression. Problem solving? Newbold ch 10,11,12. Overheads?
27.10.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Regression and problem solving? Exercises 11.1, 11.9, 11.13, 11.21, 12.5, 12.30


31.10.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Nonparametrics and goodness of fit? Newbold ch 13,14. Overheads?
03.11.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room, 2nd floor, Domus Medica ? Nonparametrics and goodness of fit? Exercises: A problem handed out at the PC-room , then 13.2, 13.14, 14.42, 14.43. Suggested output ?
07.11.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128 ? Analysis of variance. Problem solving? Newbold 15. Overheads

Note that the lecture starts at 12.15 and ends at 14.00?

10.11.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Analysis of variance? Exercises 15.8, 15.11, 15.19, 15.24, 15.26, 15.38, (15.47 and 15.48). Handout of second compulsory exercise data for the exercise

( Quiz ,Quiz solution )?

14.11.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Various topics? Newbold parts of 17,18 + extra material Overheads?
17.11.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room, 2nd floor, Domus Medica ? Everything ? Help with second compulsory exercise. Handout of Trial exam?
21.11.2005Petter Mostad? Domus Medica, room 1151? Statistical desicion theory. Bayesian theory.? Newbold ch 19. Handin of second compulsory exercise Overheads

Note that the room has been changed to 1151, DM?

24.11.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Everything ? Review of second compulsory exercise. Deadline for handin of trial exam. Some of the following exercises: 17.9, 17.41, 18.3, 18.7, 19.2, 19.13, 19.25.?
28.11.2005Petter Mostad ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Everything? Review. Exam help. Handout of Suggested solutions for Trial exam?
01.12.2005Milada Sm?stuen ? Domus Medica, room 1128? Everything? Review. Exam help. ?
Published July 26, 2005 12:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2005 1:15 PM