Syllabus/achievement requirements

Mossialos, E., A. Dixon, J. Figueras and J. Kutzin (eds): Funding health care: options for Europe, 2002. Open University Press, Buckingham, UK. Ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11. Available at WHO's web pages.

Saltman, R.B., R. Busse and J. Figueras (eds.): Social health insurance systems in western Europe, 2004. Open University Press,Buckingham, UK. Ch. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13. Available at WHO's web pages.

Folland, S., A. C. Goodman and M. Styano.: 2004. The Economics of health and health care. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Ch. 9 and 10. (For those who read FGS 2007 the relevant chapter is ch. 10).


Employees and students at UiO have access to all e-journals that UiO subscribe to(4500 titles). The access is limited to PCs with an IP-number belonging to UiO.

In the reading list articles available on the web are marked "Subscription". Articles available in compendiums are marked "Compendium"

Bi?rn, Erik, Terje P. Hagen, Tor Iversen, Jon Magnussen : The Effect of Activity-Based Financing on Hospital Efficiency: A Panel of DEA Efficiency Scores 1992–2000, 2003. Health Care Management Science, 6 (4): 271-283. Compendium. Subscription.

Carlsen, B., Norheim, O. F: Introduction of the Patient-list System in General Practice: Changes in Norwegian Physicians' Perception of their Gatekeeper Role, 2003. . Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 21, 209-213.. Subscription.

Cutler, David M. : Equality, Efficiency, and Market Fundamentals: The Dynamics of International Medical-Care Reform, 2002. Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 40. Compendium. Subscription.

Ellies, R.P. and T.G. McGuire: Supply Side and Demand Side Cost Sharing in Health Care. Journal of Economic Perspective, 1993. Journal of Economic Perspectives, (7), 4:135-151. Compendium. Subscription.

Iversen, T. : A study of income-motivated behavior among general practitioners in the Norwegian list patient system, 2005. HERO Working paper 2005:8. Subscription.

Jegers, Marc, Katrien Kesteloot, Diana De Graeve and Willem Gilles : A typology for provider payment systems in health care, 2002. Health Policy, 60 (3):255-273. . Compendium. Subscription.

Magnussen, Jon and Kjell Solstad: Case-based hospital financing: the case of Norway. , 1994. Health Policy, (28): 23-36. . Compendium. Subscription.

Petersen, T: 1993. The economic of Organization: The principal-Agent Relationship. Acta Sociologica 36:277-293. Compendium.. Subscription.

Robinson, James C.: Theory and Practice in the Design of Physician Payment Incentives, 2001. Milbank Quarterly, (79): 149-177. Compendium. Subscription.

Van de Ven, Wynand P. M. M. et al. : Risk adjustment and risk selection on the sickness fund insurance market in five European countries , 2003. Health Policy, (65):75-89. Compendium. Subscription.

Published Aug. 7, 2008 12:00 PM - Last modified May 4, 2009 1:32 PM