
Published Apr. 7, 2006 2:27 PM

Time and place for the written exam: Seminar room 4 and 5 Harald Schjeldrups hus, Thursday 20th of April 09:00-13:00

Published Apr. 3, 2006 5:06 PM

Dear all,

Please note that chapters 6 and 7 in the Drummond-book have been added to the reading list.

Published Mar. 14, 2006 12:02 PM

Dear all,

Jan Abel Olsen has published a suggested reading list for his lecture. You will find it in the tutorial/undervisning-folder on classfronter.

Published Mar. 7, 2006 3:31 PM

Dear all students of HMM4301,

The following message has been sent to you by e-mail, and it is posted in classfronter:

The term paper should be submitted through classfronter by 12:00 Monday the 13th of March.

To submit your paper:

  • Enter the folder "term paper delivery", under the "tutorial/undervisning"-folder
  • Choose "upload task" or "last opp oppgave"
  • Select the correct file and upload it
  • If you have further questions regarding classfronter, please contact me.

The folder named "term paper delivery" is a hand-in folder. This means that each student only may access his/her of own file. The term papers will not be anonymous when delivered in classfronter. According to "Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved UiO", anonymity should only be secured in written exams under supervision (school exams). However, it is normally also in the teacher's interest to grade anonymous papers. Therefore, we have de...

Published Feb. 17, 2006 2:48 PM

Dear all.

The assignment for the midterm paper will be posted in Classfronter 27 February. The midterm paper is due 10 March no later than 12 oclock (noon). The midterm paper shall be submitted to this Classfronter site at the appropriate location in the classroom. For more information on classfronter

A short English description is also available

Published Jan. 30, 2006 12:05 PM

Dear all students, unfortunately some of the information posted under time and place is not correct. Updated information on where and when the lectures are held is found in the detailed teaching plan.