The exam will be held at 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sveien 2B (the room downstairs) Monday 12 December at 09.00
Please, note that a paper on diagnostics has been placed in your reading room. You may do well in studying the paper before Wednesday's teraching. Best regards Ivar
Wednesday 2 November we will visit Rikshospitalet to watch a laparscopic operation. The timing may be slightly extended beyond 1200 o'clock (noon). Ivar
Except for chapters 1-4, Watson will not be part of the curriculum (see next version of the study plan). Ivar
Revised reading list will be presented. Ivar
Preparation for Wednesday 12 October: Merck chapters 162-170. Ivar.
This is a voluntary assignment for those who want to get some exercise in preparation for the final exam.Assignment
Revised course program (more Merck chapters) will be on display today at this website. Ivar
Readings for the lecture 28 September: Merck ch. 122-123-124-127-128-130-132-228-231-239-243-245
Readings for the session 23 September is Watson plus som chapters in the Merck Manual. Please, note that a revised study plan is available at this web-site. Here, you will see the relevant Merck chapters. Ivar
The musculosceletal system is the topic for Wednesday 14. September 0915-1200. A new study paper is placed in the HMM4401-tray in your study room here at the institute.
NOTE: The teaching will take place at Diakonhjemmet Hospital at Reidar Kobros vei ("Villaen" - the old house of the director). See for further guidance with respect to location. Dr. Hammer will take part of the tearching, and we will subsequently visit patients with rheumatic diseases.
A presentation that will be discussed in Wedneday's session is available in the student's reading room. You may do well in skimming it beforehand.
Dear all The lecture originally scheduled Wednesday 21 September will be held Friday 23 September (0915-1200) to allow a visit by a speciliast in pulmonary diseases. Ivar