Contact information

Academics Studies Administration

Department of Health Management and Health Economics

Visiting address:?
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sveien 3A

Visiting hours:?
0900-1130 (Monday - Thursday)

Postal address:?
P.O. Box 1089 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo, Norway

Phone:?2284 5100
Fax:?2285 4801

Persons to contact

NameConsultation hoursComment
Ivar S?nb? Kristiansen? (contact information) ? The teachers have no formal meeting hours. If you need assistance or wish to discuss with your teacher, make an appointment by e-mail.
Hanne Thurmer? (contact information) ?
Olaf Gjerl?w Aasland? (contact information) ?
Published Apr. 25, 2008 9:43 AM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2008 9:43 AM