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Engebretsen, E., & Heggen, K. (2012). Makt p? nye m?ter. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (150 sider)

Artikler og bokkapitler

Album, D., & Engebretsen, E. (2013). Sykdomsprestisje. Praktiske Grunde. Fulltekst

Askheim, C., Sandset, T.J., & Engebretsen, E. (2016). Who cares? The lost legacy of Archie Cochrane. Medical Humanities. ISSN 1468-215X. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2016-011037

Engebretsen, E., Heggen, K., Das, S., Farmer, P. & Ottersen, O. P. (2016). Paradoxes of sustainability with consequences for health. The Lancet Global Health.  ISSN 2214-109X.  4(4), s e225- e226 . doi:

Engebretsen, E., Heggen, K., Wieringa, S., & Greenhalgh, T. (2016). Uncertainty and objectivity in clinical decision making: a clinical case in emergency medicine. Medicine, Health care and Philosophy.  ISSN 1386-7423. . doi: 10.1007/s11019-016-9714-5

Farseth?s, F. H. (2009). Disiplin, biopolitikk og regjering. Foucaults maktanalyser. Agora nr. 2 Fulltekst

Greenhalgh, T., Howick, J., & Maskrey, N. (2014). Evidence based medicine: a movement in crisis? Fulltekst

Heggen, K., & Engebretsen E. (2009). En dekonstruktiv n?rlesning av arbeidsbok for sykepleiere. Sykepleien 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录, 4(1) s. 28-33. (5 sider). Fulltekst.

Juritzen, T. I., Engebretsen, E., & Heggen, K. (2013). Subject to empowerment: The constitution of power in an educational programme for health professionals. Medicine, Health care and Philosophy.  ISSN 1386-7423. 16(3), s 443- 455 . doi: 10.1007/s11019-012-9412-x

Karlsen, M. P., & Villandsen, K. (2007). Hvor skal talen komme fra? Dialogen som omsiggribende ledelsesteknologi. Dansk Sociologi, nr. 2/18.?rg., s. 7- 28 (21 sider). Fulltekst

Lillehagen, I., Heggen, K., & Engebretsen, E. (2016). Unpacking knowledge translation in participatory research: a micro-level study. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. ISSN 1355-8196. doi: 0.1177/1355819616635683

Madsen, O. J. (2014). Psychologisation and Critique in Modern-day Western Culture. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(5), 193-200.

Malterud, K. (2002). Reflexivity and metapositions: strategies for appraisal of clinical evidence. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 8, 2, 121-126 (6 sider). Fulltekst

Rose, N. (2012) Democracy in the contemporary life sciences, BioSocieties 7, 459-472. Fulltekst

Solbrekke, T. D., Heggen, K., & Engebretsen, E. (2013). Ambitions and responsibilities: A textual analysis of the Norwegian national curriculum regulations for nursing education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational ResearchFulltekst

Wieringa, S., & Greenhalgh, T. (2015). 10 years of mindlines: a systematic review and commentary. Implementation Science, 10(1), 1. Fulltekst


Publisert 22. nov. 2016 16:40 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2016 10:01