Teaching - time and place


  • Thursday?16 September 10:00 -14:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Project Planning; Sept 16th and 17th

  • Thursday?4 November 10:00 -14:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Project Planning; Nov 4th and 5th

  • Monday?8 November 09:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Statistics and Epidemiology week I; Nov 8th - 12th

  • Monday?15 November 09:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Statistics and Epidemiology week II; Nov 15th - 19th

  • Monday?22 November 09:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Statistics and Epidemiology week III; Nov 22nd and Nov 23rd

  • Thursday?25 November 10:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Theory of Science; November 25th and 26th

  • Friday?3 December 10:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Introduction to Literature Search

  • Monday?6 December 09:00 -15:00,?Seminarrom GV05218 Fr. Holsts hus?Frederik Holsts hus

    Introduction to Qualitative Methods; Des 6th - 10th

Per Nafstad, Anne-Lise Orvin Middelthon, Hein Stigum, Jens Erik Paulsen, Mette Sagbakken, Magne Thoresen, Atle Fretheim, Sheri Lee Bastien


Published May 12, 2010 1:56 PM