Course information

The course will take place at the main campus of the University of Oslo at Blindern. The lectures will take place in auditorium 4 in Vilhelm Bjerknes house, and the practical exercises will take place in room UE32 in Niels Henrik Abels house. You may locate Vilhelm Bjerknes house and Niels Henrik Abels house on the map of the Blindern campus found here: /english/about/getting-around/areas/blindern/


On you will find further information about the course. Note in particular that you should bring your own laptop with the latest version of R and RStudio installed. Further, as a preparation to the course, it is recommended that you study chapter 1 and (parts of) chapter 3 of the text book (details are given on the mentioned web-page).

Published Nov. 22, 2017 9:14 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2019 2:35 PM